North Millennium
Basement conductor trend is an interpreted extension of the Mother fault hosting the Millennium Deposit.
- 58km2 of prospective ground in the southeast corner of the richly endowed Athabasca Basin.
- Located 40km southwest of Cameco’s flagship McArthur River Mine (674.9 Mlbs U3O8 @ 16.9%)* and 7km immediately north of the Cameco’s Millennium deposit (104.8 Mlbs U3O8 @ 3.76%).*
- Conductors mapped with UTEM extend from the adjacent McTavish property historically intersected 0.12% U3O8 in drilling associated with Ni, Co, Cu, and Zn.
Main Features
- Presence of a basement conductor trend disrupted by the interpreted extension of the Millennium deposit Mother Fault
- Drill hole on neighboring property intersected uranium mineralisation
- Recently identified two high priority uranium targets along a 5km conductor corridor outlined by coincident magnetic breaks and electromagnetic conductor disruption
Exploration Plan
Months 1 to 9
- Historical data compilation and program planning
- 3D inversion of existing airborne ZTEM data
- Targeted Ground geophysics
- Stepwise Moving Loop Time Domain Electromagnetics
- Target generation, definition, and prioritisation
- DCIP Resistivity Program
Months 9 to 18
- Diamond drilling program (+4,500m)
* * IAEA Technichal document 1857, Unconformity-related uranium deposits